Guest Speaker: Dr. Larry Krumenaker on Entering the New State of Alabama at Fort Mitchell in March of 1825
The Travels of the Marquis de Lafayette through Georgia and Alabama in 1825
General Information
The Marquis de Lafayette, on an 1825 tour of all the existing states, entered the new state of Alabama at Fort Mitchell in late March of 1825. His journey was on the Federal Road across Georgia and Alabama through the Creek Nation for three days. Unlike all his time up north and in Eastern Georgia, this part of his exploration of America was through rustic and primitive locales and meeting his first large group of natives and their customs and ways. At Fort Mitchell, he was greeted first by a large group of Creeks who carried him up the hill to the fort area. Lafayette heard speeches from Indians, politicians, and militia leaders. He witnessed an intense stickball game in his honor and visited Abodes, a school, and other sites here. After a meal in the Fort tavern, he continued through the nation to his next stop. This presentation, based on Dr. Krumenaker’s books “From River to River” and “Nine Days Traveling,” will aid you in retracing his path on today’s landscape in both states and tell the tales of Georgians, Alabamians and Creek Indians through first-person quotes from the people with him.
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